Neues Jahr 2023
Allen Freunden von Chaya ein Gesundes Neues JahrTo all friends of Chaya aHAPPY NEW YEAR
Allen Freunden von Chaya ein Gesundes Neues JahrTo all friends of Chaya aHAPPY NEW YEAR
Please try our recipe •Inarizushi-No-Moto•Nishiki-rice•Tencha, Hoshino•Roasted white sesame seeds•Carrot(sliced and boiled)•Egg(sliced omelet)
It is season for Ramen 1. Boil 550ml water 2. Add the noodles and cook 4’30” 3. Add the miso soup packet 4. Serve with…
– Ichigo Daifuku – Warabi Mochi – Kinako Ohagi Please enjoy sweets with Hoshino Matcha !! ■26-273 : Tea Mat Ume Black ■21-299 : Plate…
We celebrate decorating Samurai and Koinobori. Koinobori (in red, blue, black): 50, 90, 120, 150, 200cm Koinobori (in green): 90, 120, 150cm
We have decorated Box 6 Grand floor in Bikini Berlin. Our shop is located 1st floor. Please visit us to see all our collection.
We have Homemade Matcha sweets !! – Matcha Cheesecake – Matcha Chocolate – Matcha Cookie – Matcha Roll-cake – Matcha Daifuku
– Shiraae (Tofu Salad) with green tea (used !) – After you enjoy sencha- first & second serving you can use for cooking ■11-334 :…
Monday through Saturday 12:00 – 17:00 Please bring your negative test and wear FFP2 mask 😷 No appointment necessary
Hurra !! Der Frühling kommt. Spring has come. March 3 is girl’s day. We decorated „Ohinasama“ in our show window.
KYOKO’S TEA ■Daily Delight (Sencha w/Matcha) ■Best Friend (Fukamushi Sencha) ■Sunday Morning (Sencha Umegashima) ■My Bancha ( Bancha) ■Gentle Treat ( Kukihoji) ■Mellow Roast (…
Der 2. Februar ist SETSUBUN(節分) in diesem Jahr!! SETSUBUN ist der Tag vor dem Beginn des neuen Jahres nach dem traditionellen japanischen Kalender. Aus diesem…
Artikel von 15.01.2021 aus Shukan- Gendai von Prof. Juich Yano von Nara Medical University. Tee und Corona
Stay Home! Relax with green tea, healing music and O Koh(incense). Click and Collect Mon-Do 12:00-17:00 Sie können email oder per Telefon bestellen. Bitte vereinbaren…
Stay home cooking with Donabe and hot sake ■ Donabe ■ Schälchen grau ■ Renge Löffel ■ Sakeflasche , Tegaki Tokusa ■ Sakebecher , Tegaki…
All bring luck for Christmas and new year Plus ■ Anhänger Maiko ■ Anhänger Eule ■ Anhänger Teddybär
Just arrived!!!! Masken mit original japanischem Design. Masks with traditional Japanese design.
Wieder geöffnet! Bis 2 Mai nur von 13:00 – 18:00. Ab Montag, 4 Mai von 10:00 – 20:00. Freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch! We are…
The Berlin Senate Administration has decided to further restrict public life, to slow down the spread of the corona virus. The health and safety of…